How We Work
TraumaPhysio is a team of dedicated, specialist orthopaedic trauma physiotherapists offering services to adults in the community.
We provide a supportive, enthusiastic and professional service, with treatments based on the latest evidence in physiotherapy and rehabilitation. Our flexible and positive approach to physiotherapy is centred around the needs of each client that we see and recognises the impact complex trauma can have on a client’s emotional well-being.Our service has been designed to cater specifically to people who require treatment of complex injuries as part of the litigation process.
We understand the complexities of treating this client group and have robust procedures in place to support the claims process and provide a dynamic response to the changing demands of these cases.
At TraumaPhysio we understand the importance of finding the right person to help with a particular problem or goal, that’s why we offer an initial ‘meet and greet’ video or phone call without charge to answer any questions and to ensure that we have an understanding of the case. All physiotherapists working at TraumaPhysio are registered with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) and are members of The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy.
Our Mission
“To provide each person that we see with compassionate and aspirational trauma rehabilitation, which realises their full potential and maintains our core values of excellence, integrity and empathy.”
How We Work
Initial Needs Assessments
Rehabilitation Treatment
At TraumaPhysio we take time to plan rehab programmes for each client that are comprehensive, ambitious, yet achievable. Our TraumaPhysio rehabilitation team has experience in assisting clients to maximise their potential, no matter the level of physical impairment or functional disability. We recognise that rehabilitation must have real-world impact to produce lasting, meaningful results and our rehabilitation programmes are therefore unique to the individual, imaginative, and functionally driven. We work at client’s homes and within the community to ensure progress with meaningful goals.
As part of our trauma physiotherapy programmes, we will usually include risk assessment, home programmes and care scripts. We will often work with carers and support workers to provide training in any rehabilitation techniques and specific interventions, so that they are fully integrated into the client’s regime. TraumaPhysio are highly experienced at working within multidisciplinary teams as part of ongoing litigation cases and communicate efficiently and effectively to ensure an interdisciplinary team approach. We provide frequent update reports with reference to the agreed SMART goals and attend team meetings remotely or in person where required. TraumaPhysio maintains high standards of record keeping including objective measurement and media recording to enable a quick response to any record requests.